Helping take gerrymandering out of the shadows

Creative Direction

Drawing the line on gerrymandering

The National Democratic Redistricting Committee, led by former Attorney General Eric Holder, is dedicated to ending gerrymandering, the practice of drawing district lines to diminish the impact of the votes of your rival political party. Thanks to the amped up efforts by Republicans in the last decade, some states have been gerrymandered beyond recognition — with the citizen’s votes all but completely silenced.

To help make the issue of gerrymandering feel less overwhelming and complicated, this animated video breaks down the basics of how it works and what can be done about it. The collaged effect and simple animation make the content accessible and inviting.

When The Democratic National Redistricting Committee merged with Organizing For Action (OFA) Obama’s grassroots organizing project, to become All On The Line (AOTL), they needed a way to get their new community excited about a shift in focus.

OFA had targeted a variety issues, but AOTL’s central goal is to end gerrymandering, because, ultimately, it impacts every single political issue there is.

This trio of videos helps members of what was OFA as well as new audiences understand who AOTL is, why gerrymandering matters, and exactly how citizens are directly impacted. The story is told by members of their communities, AOTL’s staff, as well as by Eric Holder and Obama themselves.


President Obama and Eric Holder on Why Gerrymandering is Bad for Our Democracy: Explained


How Partisan & Racial Gerrymandering Affect Our Daily Lives


The Grassroots Army on the Front Lines for Fair Maps

